March 31, 2022

Serving Opportunity: Ukraine Relief

2 Min Read

Dear GraceHill family and friends,

Recently, some of you had asked about ways you can help in the Ukraine relief efforts. Others, who currently have family in Ukraine or are on the way out of Ukraine had asked for assistance in getting them to the US. After considering our options, here’s how we would like to assist our families and others who need immediate help (both locally and internationally).

First, one of our dear families has relatives who fled from Ukraine but would like to get to the States via Mexico. We would like to assist them in their need.

Second, we have been in contact with representatives from a couple of local Slavic churches who are currently assisting refugees at the US/Mexico border. Mexico has been flooded with Ukrainian refugees over the past week, and many more are coming. A local church in San Diego has opened up its doors to temporarily welcome these refugees while they decide on their next move. At least a couple of local churches from Sacramento (Bryte Church and Spring of Life Church, and others) had sent volunteers down south to assist these refugees in multiple ways, and they are overwhelmed by the amount of work. Today, a few of our church members are driving down to the border to help out for a few days. We would like to help them with basic needs (gas, food, etc.) as they volunteer their time.

We have opened up a Ukraine Relief fund to allow you to contribute to the needs above. If the Lord has you in a position to give, in addition to your regular contributions to GraceHill, please consider donating to this fund.*

Also, if you would like to volunteer, please contact Andrey Perepelitsa, and he will give you more information. Currently, there’s a need for more women volunteers to help assist with many kids. The parents crossing the border haven’t slept for days, so these volunteers could watch and play with their kids. There’s also an excellent opportunity to talk with parents and encourage them with the love of Christ.

So, please pray and consider if you could give financially* or give your time and other resources. If you would like to host a refugee family while they figure out their next move, you can also let us know, and we’ll put you in touch with the right people. Please also pray for our group that will leave this afternoon.

Church, we have a great opportunity to assist those who are hurting by the love of Christ and look for ways to spread the Gospel of Christ in this crisis. Together, let’s contribute in ways God allows us to.


Elders of GraceHill Church

*when you give, please select the Ukraine Relief fund

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