March 1, 2024

The King's Cross & Crown

1:30 Min Read

This Sunday, we will begin the ninth and final section in the Gospel of Matthew, The King’s Cross & Crown, focusing on the final three chapters of the Gospel (26-28). 

Until now, Matthew’s focus has been on Jesus’ identity as the promised Messiah, His miracles, and His teaching (3-10). Throughout His three-and-half-year ministry, He has preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and assembled a group of twelve to whom He revealed the mysteries of the Kingdom (13), the right-side-up nature of the Kingdom (18-20), and the future return of the King (24-25).

But now, Jesus is done teaching (26:1). He is finished with His miracles. The time has come for Christ to accomplish what He has been sent to do. Matthew 26 and 27 are the longest chapters in the Gospel and two of the longest in the New Testament. Whoever enumerated the Bible with chapters and verses certainly reflected how long and painful the final 48 hours of Jesus’ life must have felt. 

Through the numerous flawed characters who enter the scene, Jesus remains the central figure, drawing our attention and adoration. We confront the most sublime and profound truth: the beloved Son of God (3:17; 17:5), sinless and spotless, suffers at the hands of sinners, ultimately enduring crucifixion (26:1; 35) as a substitutionary sacrifice to bear God’s punishment for sinners. Betrayed by a "close friend," battered by a mob, subjected to a sham trial by religious and political pawns, and crucified by "godless men" (Acts 2:23), it seemed as though evil had triumphed when His tomb was sealed (26:66). Yet, God remained in control at every juncture (26:2), ensuring that all these events unfolded to fulfill the Scriptures (26:24, 54, 56).

Including chapter 28. The cross yields to the crown. No sin could bind Him; no force could defy Him. The sinless Son emerges triumphant over evil, rising to claim all authority and eternal sovereignty. 

As we delve into these final chapters over the coming months, my prayer is that we deepen our comprehension of Christ’s love for us, grow in faith, and respond by treasuring Him and making Him known.

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